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Sawblade Clearcutter

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MobSawblade Clearcutter
Image of Sawblade Clearcutter
Race Gnomebot (Mechanical)
Level 10-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Arcforged
Location Mechagon Island
Status Destroyable

Sawblade Clearcutters are gnomebots located on Mechagon Island.


  • Ability garrosh siege engine.png Buzzing Blade — Unleashes a sawblade that travels in a line from the caster, inflicting Physical damage to any player that touches it, knocking them back.
  • Ability warrior shieldreflection.png Defensive Countermeasure — Surrounds the caster with a shield that lasts 30 sec and can absorb up to 25 damage.
  • Inv mace 2h cataclysm b 01.png Sawblade Equipped — Equipped with Mechagonian Steel Sawblades.

Objective of

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