Ryshelle Brightlock

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HordeRyshelle Brightlock
Image of Ryshelle Brightlock
Title <The Reliquary>
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 32-35
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Reliquary
Location Court of Bones, Isle of Thunder

Ryshelle Brightlock is a blood elf member of the Reliquary first seen on the Crimson Treader and later found near the Court of Bones on the Isle of Thunder.



  • It is imperative that we understand the mogu's history. Our best chance at a successful offensive will come from knowledge of our enemy.
  • The mogu's history is fraught with savage conquest and tests of strength. After thousands of years, only the strongest members of their race have survived.

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