Rune of Fire Nova

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Rune of Fire Nova teaches the [Fire Nova] rune for belts.


First, obtain the  [Corrupted Fire Totem] from Flameseer Dubelen outside Thunder Axe Fortress in Desolace. Take it to Zor Lonetree in Orgrimmar, then travel to Maraudon and obtain the Tears of Theradras from the crystal paths outside the instance. Bring them back to Zor Lonetree, then go to Thunder Bluff and speak with Hamuul Runetotem, who will direct you to Keeper Remulos in Moonglade. After speaking with Remulos, obtain the  [Vial of Crystal Water] from the Crystal Waters of Lake Elune'ara. Use the vial with the tears to create  [Elemental Salve], then use the salve on the corrupted totem to obtain the rune.

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