Corrupted Fire Totem

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  • Corrupted Fire Totem
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • "Tainted by the influence of the Burning Blade, this totem is gnarled, blackened, and scarred, but you can sense the element within. Surely someone else will be as concerned as you are with this discovery."

Corrupted Fire Totem drop from Flameseer Dubelen outside Thunder Axe Fortress in Desolace. Cleansing it will reward the  [Rune of Fire Nova].

To cleanse it, you must first speak to Zor Lonetree in Orgrimmar:

I sense something troubles you.

Gossip I found this corrupted totem on the corpse of a Burning Blade Flameseer...

It's been a long time since I've seen anything like this. Flameseers wield demonic magic and imbue them with the elements to create something... unnatural.

The combination of the magic is dangerous at best, which is one of the reasons Flameseers are few and far between. A totem this deeply corrupted will take much effort to restore.

A clan of centaur covet magical crystals and while it might be easy to slaughter them and take what you seek, it would just fuel the flames of war between the tribes.

This tribe must collect the crystals from somewhere within the earthen temple they protect.

Find two of these crystals and we can begin creating a salve to cleanse this corruption.

After obtaining the Tears of Theradras from Maraudon, return to Zor:

Ah, so you've returned.

Gossip I found the Tears of Theradras.

Ah yes, those are the crystals we seek. Now we need healing waters to mix with the dust from the crystals.

Those that worship Elune have created stone pools of water throughout Azeroth as a means to replenish their magical powers.

These waters are also capable of cleansing Fel corrupted objects, but my understanding is this water is diluted and not pure.

We require pure crystal waters for the salve to work.

I don't know of many who have knowledge of it's[sic] location, but the Cenarion Circle should.

Seek assistance from an elder within the Cenarion Circle, surely they will be as troubled with the discovery of that totem as you and I.

The elder he speaks of is Hamuul Runetotem, in Thunder Bluff:

Gossip Zor Lonetree sent me...

Yes, it is true what Zor speaks.

The Night Elves have built a network of Moonwells across the land to keep them connected to their goddess Elune, but if the object you possess is as tainted as we believe they won't be of any use.

The Night Elves and Cenarion Circle have long taken refuge within the Moonglade.

Nighthaven sits upon the shores of lake with crystal waters, clean and pure.

Remulos often offers the waters of the lake to weary travelers, but it is not often they pass his way.


Fly to Moonglade (Tal will offer a free flight) and speak to Remulos:

Your mind seems clouded and your heart heavy.

<Keeper Remulos closes his eyes and lifts his head slightly towards the serene sky.>

I sense great pain as you stand before more, but not of your own. The weight of this burden weighs on you, but still a more troubling darkness surrounds you...

<His eyes open as he looks back down upon you.>

My reaction, might have been hasty...

The crystal waters you seek shall be yours, but I ask you not to risk tainting the source.

We do allow weary travelers to use this basin to replenish their drink supply to sustain them through their arduous journeys.


After speaking with Remulos, obtain the  [Vial of Crystal Water] from the Crystal Waters of Lake Elune'ara. Use the vial with the tears to create  [Elemental Salve], which can be used to cleanse the totem.

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