Rune of Decimation

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Rune of Decimation teaches the [Decimation] rune for cloaks.


Send the [Explorer Imp] into Fel Rifts in the Burning Steppes, Winterspring, or the Eastern Plaguelands until it returns with a  [Legion Portal Tuner]. Use the Legion Portal Tuner on Fel Scars in the Blasted Lands, Feralas, or Azshara and send the Explorer Imp through until it returns with a  [Portal Tuner Tuner]. Use it to turn the Legion Portal Tuner into an  [Overcharged Portal Tuner], then use that on a Fel Scar to turn the portal red. Send the Explorer Imp through and it will return with the rune.

Patch changes

  • WoW Icon update.png Hotfix (2024-07-16): Now guaranteed from an overcharged portal.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.15.3 (2024-07-09): Added.

External links