Ruins of Farahlon

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Ruins of Farahlon

The Ruins of Farahlon were once a draenei settlement, implied by Unbroken to have been a major site comparable to Telmor and Karabor. The ruins are located in northern Netherstorm just northeast of the Stormspire.

A mighty dreadlord named Culuthas killed all of Socrethar's Burning Legion demons in the ruins and summoned his own void terrors called Hounds of Culuthas and beholder minions called Eyes of Culuthas. He holds an  [Ata'mal Crystal], a powerful draenei artifact, which he apparently retrieved off the dead Burning Legion after they excavated it.

Farahlon was also the old name of Netherstorm as a whole.


In the Ruins of Farahlon, Culuthas may be found speaking to an Image of Socrethar. The Image will say one of the following quotes:

  • Image of Socrethar says: Do not make me come there and destroy you!
  • Image of Socrethar says: How dare you destroy my demons!
  • Image of Socrethar says: What's that? Did you hear something? Culuthas, there are servants of the Consortium nearby. Bring me the crystal immediately!
  • Image of Socrethar says: Culuthas, you will return the crystal to me at once!
  • Image of Socrethar says: What are these things that you have summoned to serve you?! Just who do you think you are!
  • Image of Socrethar says: Return the crystal to me or face annihilation!
  • Image of Socrethar says: You have no idea how to control the ata'mal crystal. It will consume you!
  • Image of Socrethar says: Culuthas, deliver the crystal to me now!

Culuthas will reply with one of the following quotes:

  • Culuthas says: Beg all you want, I am keeping the crystal for myself. All of Outland will soon fall beneath my step!
  • Culuthas says: I will not give it to you, Socrethar!
  • Culuthas says: I think not, Socrethar. With the power of the crystal, you will be serving me soon. If I allow you to live, that is.
  • Culuthas says: WITH THE CRYSTAL, I AM A GOD!
  • Culuthas says: You can talk until you're blue in the face, I'm not delivering the ata'mal crystal to you.
  • Culuthas says: Nothing you say will convince me to give up such power!
  • Culuthas says: They all wanted it for themselves, but I slew them as easily as I will slay you when I pay you a visit later.
  • Culuthas says: No.


Ruins of Farahlon Digsite map.jpg

The Ruins of Farahlon are a Draenei archaeology dig site.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Void terrors may have a connection to Observers as Socrethar hints that Culuthas summoned both many-eyed demons the same way.

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