Roobi Skizzelvolt

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HordeRoobi Skizzelvolt
Image of Roobi Skizzelvolt
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 47 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undercity, Chromie's destroyers
Occupation Engineer
Location Andorhal
Status Killable

Roobi Skizzelvolt is a goblin located at Andorhal in The Deaths of Chromie scenario.


  • Spell nature lightning.png Overcharge — A concentrated charge of electricity from the Engineer's multitool inflicts 112 Nature damage every 1 sec, and slows the target by 50%.
  • Ability thunderking thunderstruck.png Static Blast — A massive blast of built up static electricity inflicts 756 Nature damage and knocks back all enemies within 14 yards.



  • Destroy the dragon whelp! For the Horde!

Patch changes

External links