Robba Klobba

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MobRobba Klobba
Image of Robba Klobba
Gender Female
Race Skeletal troll (Undead)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Port of Zem'lan, Vol'dun[36.5, 82]
Status Killable

Robba Klobba is a skeletal troll that roams back and forth between two piles of Souldrained Refugees in the southern Port of Zem'lan in Vol'dun. When she reaches one pile, she will stop and laugh for a moment before walking back to the other.


  • Ability dualwield.png Mighty Strike — The caster strikes with both of their weapons, inflicting Physical damage.

Objective of


  • De curse makes us strong!
  • Dis be our port!
  • I've been defending dis port for countless years.
  • I've sacrificed everything for Zem'lan.
  • If you ain't part of de crew, you be dead!
  • No prey, no pay.
  • Your treasure... it be mine now.
  • Zem'lan don't suffer de living no more.
  • De captain's... gonna hear about dis...
  • Dis land be cursed... we all are....
  • Heave me down, I be coming back soon...
  • Keep your hands off my treasure...
  • I feel nothing...
  • Scuttle your landlubber legs...
  • You'll answer... to Pirate-King Zem'lan for dis...
  • Zem'lan won't let us stay dead... dat's de real curse...

Patch changes

External links