Risen Drakkari Warrior (Throne of Thunder)

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Main article: Horridon
For the Drak'Tharon Keep mob, see Risen Drakkari Warrior.
MobRisen Drakkari Warrior
Image of Risen Drakkari Warrior
Race Scourge troll (Undead)
Level 36 Elite
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Drakkari tribe
Location Royal Amphitheater, Throne of Thunder
Status Killable

Risen Drakkari Warriors are resurrected Drakkari ice trolls. They take part to the Horridon's fight during the third door.


  • Spell shadow devouringplague.png Uncontrolled Abomination —  The foul necromantic magics that animated the last remnants of the Drakkari tribe left them bereft of intelligence and purpose, causing the Risen Drakkari to attack random targets, appling a stacking disease effect when doing so.
  • Spell nature nullifydisease.png Deadly Plague disease — Risen Drakkari spread a Deadly Plague when they strike players, inflicting 15,000 (LFR: 10,000 /Heroic Difficulty: 22,500) Shadow damage every 3 sec for 5 min.

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