Risen Dead

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Risen Dead
Image of Risen Dead
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Uncategorized)
Level 1
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undercity
Location Deathknell, Tirisfal Glades

Risen Dead are newly risen Forsaken recruited to join the Banshee Queen's army. Some may refuse, however, and either run away or commit suicide.


  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy.png Enrage — Become furious.


Aradne says: You are returned to life. The Banshee Queen asks for your service.
Risen Dead says: I never asked for this! Leave me alone!
Risen Dead enrages and transforms into a Mindless Zombie and runs away
Aradne says: Rise from the grave and serve the Dark Lady!
Risen Dead says: What...what's happening to me? Why have you done this to me?
Risen Dead says: I should be dead and to death I will return!
Risen Dead commits suicide
Aradne says: Waken, sleeper. Your new life awaits.

Responds with one of these lines:

Risen Dead says: This is Lady Sylvanas's doing?
Risen Dead says: What magic is this that turns back the hand of death?
Risen Dead says: I... I don't remember... Why have you done this?
Risen Dead says: What use has the Dark lady for me?


Risen Dead says: If the Banshee Queen has offered me this chance, I will gladly serve.
Risen Dead walks off towards the barracks

Patch changes

External links