Returning Home (Teldrassil)

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For other versions, see Returning Home.
AllianceReturning Home
Start Laurna Morninglight
End Priestess Alathea
Level 10 (Requires 10)
Category Priest
Race IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif Night elf
Class Priest Priest
Next A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif Priest [10] Stars of Elune


Speak to Priestess Alathea in Darnassus.


Hello again. I know you've been busy aiding our people, but you must take some time for yourself also. Priestess Alathea sent someone here looking for you. It seems that you've caught the attention of our elders and they feel you are prepared for greater things. Head to the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus and look for Alathea there. She will be waiting. Good luck, and may Elune be with you.


Wonderful, you've returned home. It always pleases Tyrande and myself when those we've trained go out into the world and return to us safely. How have things been with you? Does Elune still bless your travels? Perhaps after we speak more about the business at hand you could tell me more of your travels.


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