Return to Onu

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AllianceReturn to Onu
Start Twilight Tome
End Onu
Level 17 (Requires 13)
Category Darkshore
Experience 950 EXP (or 5s 70c at level 70)
Rewards 7s
Previous A [17] The Twilight Camp


Bring Onu the recovered Insane Scribbles.


Peering into the Twilight Tome is maddening. Text begins to swim and dance after only a moment's glance, and once beautiful scrollwork twists into grotesque shapes.

Tearing away one page of insane scribbles is all that is possible before a swoon overtakes you.


You will receive:


<Name>.  You return.


A chaotic, primal magic surrounds this parchment of scribbles.  I sense the work of the old ones in it.

Let us hope it reveals the purpose of the Twilight's Hammer in Darkshore...


  1. A [17] Cave Mushrooms
  2. A [17] Onu
  3. A [17] The Master's Glaive
  4. A [17] The Twilight Camp
  5. A [17] Return to Onu

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