Return to Karazhan: The Tower of Power

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NeutralReturn to Karazhan: The Tower of Power
Start  [Head of Thar'zul]
End Paladin Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker,
DeathKnight Siouxsie the Banshee,
Shaman Advisor Sevel,
Druid Skylord Omnuron,
Rogue Nikki the Gossip,
Monk Master Hsu,
Warrior Skyseer Ghrent,
Hunter Tactician Tinderfell,
Demon Hunter Tylos Darksight,
Warlock Gakin the Darkbinder,
Mage Archmage Melis,
Priest Moira Thaurissan / Alonsus Faol
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Return to Karazhan
Rewards  [Glittering Pack]
Previous Treasure What Lurks Beneath the Tower?


Defeat Viz'aduum the Watcher in Karazhan.


Your champions discovered that the area surrounding Karazhan is under an invasion from the Legion. This does not bode well. Climb the tower, and defeat all in your path.


You will receive:
Inv misc bag corefelclothbag.png [Glittering Pack]


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