Require Goblin Problems

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NeutralRequire Goblin Problems
Start Fizzbizz Coppercoil
End Fizzbizz Coppercoil
Level 55 (Requires 50)
Type Elite
Category Un'Goro Crater
Profession Engineering Engineering
Experience 14000
Rewards 4g
Previous N Engineering [55] Gnomish Solutions
Next N Engineering [55] Watering Down the Competition


Bring Fizzbizz Coppercoil a Thunderstomp Stegodon Horn


Can you hear the explosions on the racetrack? No seriously, can you? Most of my hearing is gone. Anyways... Magnets! By carefully placing magnets all along the racetrack and adding the reverse polarity to the bottom of our vehicle, we shall simply float above the mines! Take that Goblins! The last piece of the puzzle, we need something that can hold an electrical charge to manage the complicated electrical paneling. Head to Southwest Un'goro and bring me a Thunderstomp Stegodon Horn!


You will receive:

  • 4g
  • 14000 XP


The Thunderstomp Stegodon Horn is the perfect organic compound to manage the electrical fields needed to make these magnets work. Or I hope so at least, I'm not exactly sure how they work.


This will do nicely! Its[sic] still crackling with energy! If I had any hair left it would shooting in all directions!


  1. N Engineering [55] Gnomish Solutions
  2. N Engineering [55E] Require Goblin Problems
  3. N Engineering [55] Watering Down the Competition
  4. N Engineering [55] Victory Lap for the Gnomes!
  5. N Engineering [55W] Hush Money

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