Gnomish Solutions

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NeutralGnomish Solutions
Start Fizzbizz Coppercoil
End Fizzbizz Coppercoil
Level 55 (Requires 50)
Category The Shimmering Flats
Profession Engineering Engineering
Experience 14000
Rewards 4g
Next N Engineering [55E] Require Goblin Problems


Bring Fizzbizz Coppercoil 2 Gnomish Harm Prevention Belts


Greetings my esteemed colleague! I can tell you are an intellectual of the highest caliber! I have need of someone of your skill set. First things first! Explosions seem to be happening all along the race track! A tad suspect wouldn't you say? Our drivers safety is our top priority. Bring me a couple of Gnomish Harm Prevention Belts! Hopefully this will solve our short term problem.


You will receive:

  • 4g
  • 14000 XP


Do you got the Belts? A race is about to happen and we need it STAT!


Very good! Hopefully our racer will get across the finish line in one piece. Now to move onto bigger problems.


This quest requires 225 Engineering, and the Gnomish Engineering specialization.


  1. N Engineering [55] Gnomish Solutions
  2. N Engineering [55E] Require Goblin Problems
  3. N Engineering [55] Watering Down the Competition
  4. N Engineering [55] Victory Lap for the Gnomes!
  5. N Engineering [55W] Hush Money

Patch changes

See also

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