Report to Mountaineer Rockgar

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AllianceReport to Mountaineer Rockgar
Start Mountaineer Kadrell
End Mountaineer Rockgar
Level 21 (Requires 19)
Category Loch Modan
Experience 170 EXP (or 90c at level 70)
Next A [21] The Algaz Gauntlet


Speak with Mountaineer Rockgar.


Mountaineer Rockgar is looking for volunteers for a mission through Dun Algaz and into the Wetlands.

If you want to get your boots wet in that soggy county to the north, then speak with Rockgar at Dun Algaz. Dun Algaz is north up the road, beyond the guard tower.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


Hello, <class>!  You're here for the scouting mission, are you?  Very good!

I hope your gear is in good condition, because this "scouting" mission has changed into something more messy...


  1. A [21] Report to Mountaineer Rockgar
  2. A [21] The Algaz Gauntlet

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