Replenishing the Storehouse

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AllianceReplenishing the Storehouse
Start Master Woodsman Anderhol
End Master Woodsman Anderhol
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 20750
Reputation +250 Valiance Expedition
Rewards 5g 60s
Next A [15-30] Take Their Rear!


Master Woodsman Anderhol at Amberpine Lodge wants you to kill Tallhorn Stag and collect 8 Succulent Venison.


G'day, <class>.

The good lieutenant here says that there's been a Horde raid on our storehouse that's left our food supply dangerously low.

No doubt we'll make those cretins pay, but first we need to focus our attention on restocking. My men are doing all they can, but we're going to need every able body to contribute if we're to avert a crisis.

You should have no trouble harvesting venison from the local stag in these parts. Happy hunting!


You will receive: 5g 60s


How goes the hunt, <race>?


These are some choice pieces of meat!


  1. A [15-30] Replenishing the Storehouse
  2. A [15-30] Take Their Rear!

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