Repel the Invasion

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HordeRepel the Invasion
Start Stone Guard Kurjack
End Stone Guard Kurjack
Level 15 (Requires 13)
Type Dungeon
Category Ragefire Chasm
Experience 800 experience
Reputation 500 reputation with Orgrimmar
Rewards 27s
Previous H [7-30D] Enemies Below / H [7-30D] Enemies Below / H [15] Enemies Below


Kill Oggleflint, Bazzalan, and Jergosh the Invoker.


This cavern was once a place of great honor. Young warriors were taken here to slay an Earthborer worm for their first kill - something we Orcs remember for our entire lives.

The Burning Blade agents inside have enslaved the cave's inhabitants and plan to launch a full-scale attack on Orgrimmar along with their Trogg allies.

If you strike down their Lieutenants, you may be able to catch them unprepared and stop this invasion before it starts.


You will receive: 27s


You've done it, <name>! You've upturned the Searing Blade's invasion before it could even start! Take this, as a token of my thanks.


  1. H [16D] Taragaman the Hungerer

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