Reinforcements for Garadar

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HordeReinforcements for Garadar
Start Messenger Gazgrigg
End Captain Kroghan
Level 15-30
Category Zangarmarsh
Experience 2650 EXP (or 1g 26s at level 70)


Speak with Captain Kroghan at Garadar in Nagrand.


<Still catching his breath, the messenger gestures for you to sit.>

They may not survive, <race>! Get to Garadar as quickly as your legs will carry you.

<In response to your blank stare, the messenger elaborates.>

The home of the Mag'har, lies to the south, in Nagrand. Take the southern road out of the marsh, then turn east at the first fork and look for a large settlement on the lake.

Find our commander, Captain Kroghan, there and offer him what assistance you can. Garadar must not fall!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2650 XP (or 1g 26s at level 70)


<Even though he endeavors to hide it, a look of relief spreads over Kroghan's face.>

It's about time you got here! Granted, you're not an army, but any able-bodied <race> than can wield a weapon or chant a spell is welcome here. The people of Garadar are kin to all the Horde and we are proud to shed our blood in their defense.

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