Redeem iCoke Prize Voucher (bear pet)

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For the other quests, see N [1] Redeem iCoke Prize Voucher and N [1] Redeem iCoke Gift Box Voucher.
NeutralRedeem iCoke Prize Voucher
End She number one
Level 1 (Requires 1)
Category Uncategorized
Rewards  [Polar Bear Collar]
Shareable Yes

Redeem iCoke Prize Voucher was a quest used as a promotion for iCoke only in Taiwan region. Another quest with the same name was managed to be obtained for players in other regions of the world, though it couldn't have been completed. It was being shared in battlegrounds in order to spread it. As a result, this quest along with the others was removed entirely from the game with patch 5.2.0.



You will receive:
Inv belt 09.png [Polar Bear Collar]

Patch changes

External links