Red Linen Goods

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For the retail version of this quest, see A [1-30] Fine Linen Goods.
AllianceRed Linen Goods
Start Sara Timberlain
End Sara Timberlain
Level 9 (Requires 5)
Category Elwynn Forest
Experience 775
Reputation +100 Stormwind
Rewards  [Red Linen Sash]
 [Red Linen Shirt]


Bring 6 Red Linen Bandanas to Sara Timberlain at the Eastvale Logging Camp.


The Defias gang in Northshire wears burlap masks, but the Defias in Elwynn wear linen which I can use to make fine linen goods.

Bring me red linen bandanas and I'll use them to fashion something for you.

Defias gang members have camps pocketed throughout Elwynn.


You will receive:
Inv misc bandana 03.png [Red Linen Sash] Inv shirt red 01.png [Red Linen Shirt]

You will also receive:


I'm running low on linen, <name>. Do you have any for me?


Ah, these are nice bandanas, if a little rough...

Here you are!

Patch changes

External links