Recover Incursion Field Report: Feralas

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NeutralRecover Incursion Field Report: Feralas
Start Field Captain Arunnel
End Field Captain Arunnel
Level 52 (Requires 47)
Category Feralas
Experience 2,550
Reputation +10 Emerald Wardens
Rewards  [Mission Brief: Feralas]


Kill demons and return the field report to Field Captain Arunnel.


Thank Elune you're here, <name>. We've been overrun with demons coming through the Emerald Dream Gate. I've been cut off from my scout there. Please find Scout Thandros by the Dream Gate and come back with his field report. And along the way, kill a few of those swarming demons. Once you get back with the report, I'll give you a follow-up mission to act on that intelligence.


You will receive:


You have the report?


Thank you, <name>! Based on the intelligence you've recovered, I have this follow-up mission for you. Thank you for all your help!

Patch changes

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