Reclaiming the Charred Vale (2)

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AllianceReclaiming the Charred Vale
Start Keeper Albagorm
End Falfindel Waywarder
Level 27 (Requires 21)
Category Stonetalon Mountains
Experience 2200 EXP (or 13s 20c at level 70)
Reputation +250 Darnassus

 [Tempered Bracers]

 [Constable Buckler]
Previous A [27] Reclaiming the Charred Vale


Travel to Falfindel Waywarder on the border of Thousand Needles and Feralas.


The Bloodfuries have been subdued. But they will regroup soon enough if action is not taken.

Far south of the Barrens lies a land known as Thousand Needles. If you travel west in Thousand Needles until you reach the lush forest's edge of Feralas, you will find a druid named Falfindel Waywarder.

This great and wise druid is capable of calling forth great forest spirits which can aid in the reclamation of the Charred Vale.

Send word of our need! Seek him out at once!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv bracer 06.png [Tempered Bracers] Inv shield 09.png [Constable Buckler]

You will also receive:


Keeper Albagorm was wise to send you with such urgency.

Let us see if we cannot call forth aid from the great forest to travel to the Charred Vale before it is too late.


Falfindel summoning spirits.
Falfindel Waywarder says: We must hurry.
Falfindel Waywarder says: Spirits of the forest come forth and heed nature's call!
Falfindel Waywarder says: Spirits of the forest, you are needed! Make haste to the Charred Vale!


  1. A [27] Reclaiming the Charred Vale
  2. A [27] Reclaiming the Charred Vale

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