Reanimated Archer

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MobReanimated Archer
Image of Reanimated Archer
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Undead)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Rooksguard
Occupation Archer
Location Ravencourt, Val'sharah [39.4, 52.2]
Status Killable

Reanimated Archers are undead night elves located at Ravencourt in Val'sharah.


  • Acrobatic Strike - Flips behind the target and inflicts Physical damage.
  • Shoot - Shoots at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.

Objective of


  • Enjoy this moment. It will be your last!
  • I never miss!
  • If you won't return to your world, I'll send you there in pieces!
  • My strike is swift and true!
  • Stop, interloper. I'll make you bleed first!
  • The lieutenant has ordered your execution.

Patch changes

External links