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Razorjaw Gladiator

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MobRazorjaw Gladiator
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Race Murloc (Humanoid)
Level 46 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Razorjaw
Occupation Gladiator
Location Tomb of Sargeras
Status Killable

Razorjaw Gladiators are murlocs located in the Tomb of Sargeras.


  • Driven Assault - Fixates on a target, attacking them to the exclusion of other targets. Additionally, the Razorjaw's Gladiator's Physical damage done is increased by 50% and their movement speed is decreased by 35%.
  • Enraged - Enrages the caster and nearby allies, increasing their Physical damage done by 25%.
  • Splashy Cleave - Swings wildly, inflicting 11613 Frost damage and applying Drenched to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster.

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