Razorfin Hunting Spear (quest)

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NeutralRazorfin Hunting Spear
Start  [Razorfin Hunting Spear]
End Tired Shushen
Level 10-50
Category Island Expedition
Experience 8,230
Rewards  [Radiant Azerite Fragment] (700x Azerite)
11g 70s


Take the spear to Tired Shushen in Krasarang Wilds.


<This spear is razor sharp, though it has clearly seen many years of hunting in the open sea.

The shaft has been broken in several places and repaired with what materials were available at the time. From the variety of repair materials, you surmise that the jinyu tribe you recently faced must travel extensively.

The friendly jinyu of Pandaria might know more about this strange tribe.>


You will receive:


Ah, yes, I do recognize this spear. You have encountered the Razorfin, then?

They are unique amongst Jinyu. Long ago the elder of the tribe was granted a vision of a great beast. So terrified was he that he named it "Onoho," or "Deep Shadow."

He dedicated his tribe to slaying the beast. They travel from island to island, never staying for long, in their endless quest. It is fascinating.

I thank you for your visit. Some Azerite has washed ashore here, please take it, we have little use for it.

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