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Ravenholdt Sentry

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NeutralRavenholdt Sentry
Image of Ravenholdt Sentry
Title <Assassin's League>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 7-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ravenholdt
Location Ravenholdt, Hillsbrad Foothills

Ravenholdt Sentries are humans located at Ravenholdt in Hillsbrad Foothills.


  • It is good to see you again, <name>.
  • Greetings, rogue. Have you spoken with Fahrad yet?
  • The Syndicate is made up of a bunch of hacks - disorganized, unskilled, and lazy...
  • Ravenholdt Manor does not recognize you, <class>.
  • Watch your back, stranger.
  • Brash. Master Ravenholdt does not like brash.

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