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Ravage (Cat Form)

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For the Bear Form ability, see [Ravage].
Spell druid bloodythrash.png
  • Ravage
  • Druid ability
  • Replaces [Ferocious Bite]
  • Melee range
  • 25 Energy
  • Instant
  • Requires Cat Form
  • Finishing move that slashes through your target in a wide arc, dealing Physical damage per combo point to your target and consuming up to 25 additional Energy to increase that damage by up to 100%. Hits all other enemies in front of you for reduced damage per combo point spent.

    1 point: (31.2% of Attack power) damage, (13% of Attack power) in an arc
    2 points: (62.4% of Attack power) damage, (26% of Attack power) in an arc
    3 points: (93.6% of Attack power) damage, (36% of Attack power) in an arc
    4 points: (124.8% of Attack power) damage, (49% of Attack power) in an arc
    5 points: (156% of Attack power) damage, (62% of Attack power) in an arc
Class Druid
School Physical
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown

Ravage is an ability granted by the [Ravage] hero talent.


When first previewed, this ability was called Massive Attack.[1]

Patch changes


External links