Rath'thul Moonvale

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HordeRath'thul Moonvale
Image of Rath'thul Moonvale
Title <Dust Trader>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 10-40
Reaction Horde
Location Town Hall, Frostwall
Status Alive

Rath'thul Moonvale is a blood elf quest giver and vendor that can show up at the Town Hall of the Horde Tier 3 garrison in Frostwall.

He trades Primal Spirits for  [Draenic Dust] and specialty patterns intended for enchanters.



Item Cost
 [Primal Spirit] 5 Draenic Dust
 [Formula: Temporal Binding] 5 Luminous Shard


  • Profession traders are one of four types of quest givers that can show up at the Town Hall each day. Each region is randomly set daily with a list of quests that the quest givers can have: it is then randomized which one of the corresponding quest givers will show up. Thus if a player has Rath'thul show up, everyone in that region who got the profession quest for the day will get Rath'thul. If you need, for example, Harrison Jones' quest that day instead, you can join another player's party where Jones showed up and get the quest from their garrison. You can do the same to accept the full list of dailies set that day for your region if you so wish.

Patch changes

External links