Raiding Their Stores (Horde)

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HordeRaiding Their Stores
Start Grelka
End Grelka
Level 120 (Requires 110)
Type Group (5)
Category Warfronts
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [120G5] Raiding Their Stores.


Obtain a Roast Boar, a Colossal Cheese Wheel, a Basket of Eggs, and a Keg of Applebrew.


We're low on food supplies. Hit up Newstead and bring us whatever you can find.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc boarshead.png [Chunk of Boar Meat] Inv misc food legion wildfowlegg.png [Baked Egg]
Inv misc food 100 hardcheese.png [Slice of Cheese] Inv drink 13.png [Flagon of Applebrew]

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