Radiant Incandescence

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Radiant Incandescence
  • Radiant Incandescence
  • Paladin Azerite trait
    Your Holy Shock criticals deal an additional X damage, or an additional Y healing, over 3 sec.
  • Requires Holy specialization.
Class Paladin
Specialization Holy
Type Class trait
Affects [Holy Shock]
Related buff
  • Radiant Incandescence
  • Healing <Y/3> every 1 sec.
  • Duration: 3 seconds
Related debuff
  • Radiant Incandescence
  • Burning with holy fire for <X/3> Holy damage every 1 sec.
  • Duration: 3 seconds

Radiant Incandescence is an Azerite trait available to Holy paladins.

Patch changes

External links