RSVP: Grandmaster Vole (quest)

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VenthyrRSVP: Grandmaster Vole
Start Grandmaster Vole
End Grandmaster Vole
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Reputation +300 Grandmaster Vole
Rewards  [RSVP: Grandmaster Vole]
25g 74s


Convince Grandmaster Vole by bribing him or slaying players of the opposite faction.


I'm busy, so I'll get right to the point.

The only way I'm going is if you pay me enough coin to make it worth my while or you amuse me.

As interesting and enjoyable as the Ember Court may be, I lose money every time I am away from here. That said, I do love a good slaughter.

So, coin or deaths. Take your pick.


You will receive:

Inv letter 16.png [RSVP: Grandmaster Vole]


You need to cough up the coin or get killing.


That works. I'll be there. It will be a nice vacation.


On approach
Grandmaster Vole says: Who's going in next? How about you, Maw Walker?
On accept
Grandmaster Vole says: There's no shame in paying. Not everyone's cut out for the arena.
On completion
Grandmaster Vole says: Guess I'll get to see how tough your Prince really is.
Gossip upon completion at 'Stranger' reputation level
How could your Ember Court compete with a spectacle like this, Maw Walker?
Will your next court have Azmogal or big Urtz here stomping on the cake?
<Vole motions at the massive molten giant below.>
I wouldn't recommend trying. I doubt the flimsy venthyr could handle him.
Gossip upon completion at 'Buddy' reputation level
<Name>, I was just telling some of the others about you and the SECOND-BEST entertainment in the Shadowlands.
When is the next Ember Court, by the way? I promised a few of the up and coming prospects that I'd let them tag along.

Patch changes

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