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Image of Qui'mar
Title <Firesoul>
Race Fire elemental (Humanoid)
Level 45 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Lunar Crucible, Suramar
Status Killable

Qui'mar is a fire elemental located in the Lunar Crucible in Suramar.


  • Spell shaman improvedfirenova.png Ancient Flare — Emits a pulse of ancient fire, inflicting Fire damage to all enemies within 10 yards and causing them to take increased damage from subsequent Ancient Flares.
  • Ability ironmaidens rapidfire.png Flamecrash — The caster fires a molten rock at the target's location, dealing heavy fire damage to all targets in the area.
  • Spell shaman lavasurge.png Magma Fist — Slams a colossal fist to the ground, inflicting heavy Fire damage to all targets in front of the caster within 6 yards.

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