Out with the Scouts

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NeutralOut with the Scouts
Start Anji Autumnlight [34.0, 38.0]
End Anji Autumnlight [34.0, 38.0]
Level 90 (Requires 90)
Category Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Experience 236000
Reputation +150 Golden Lotus
Rewards 19g 84s 50c
Previous N [90] The Ruins of Guo-Lai
Next N [90] Killing the Quilen, N [90] Stones of Power, N [90] The Guo-Lai Halls


Kill 8 Shao-Tien Precursor.


We'd been briefed on mogu sightings in the Vale, but the situation is worse than we had anticipated.

Scouts are swarming all over the ruins to the northwest, gathering intel and stealing treasures.

Your objective is clear - dispatch of any scouts you see. An army cannot move if we take out its eyes.


You will receive: 19g 84s 50c


Are the scouts taken care of?


Well done, <race>. That should send a clear message to the mogu - we are not to be trifled with.



Pick up N [90] Barring Entry before heading out.

Head out into the ruins to the northwest and start killing a path to the north. At the base of the Ruins Rise, just to the east, is Lao Softfoot, who will lead you through N [90] Barring Entry. You may kill more mogu on the way back to camp afterwards.


At neutral:
Optional breadcrumb: B [30-35] The Golden Lotus

  1. N [90] The Ruins of Guo-Lai
  2. N [90] Out with the Scouts & N [90] Barring Entry
  3. N [90] Killing the Quilen & N [90] Stones of Power
  4. N [90] The Guo-Lai Halls

At honored:

At revered:

  1. N [90] Battle Spear of the Thunder King
  2. N [90] Battle Helm of the Thunder King
  3. N [90] Battle Axe of the Thunder King

At exalted:

  1. N [90] The Mogu's Message
  2. N [90] What Comes to Pass
  3. N [90] The Might of Three
  4. N [90] The Final Power

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