Queen of the Clefthoof (Horde)

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HordeQueen of the Clefthoof
Start Shadow Hunter Taz
End Shadow Hunter Taz
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Experience 18,840 experience
Rewards [Garrison Resources] (50)
30g 80s
Previous B [35-40] That Pounding Sound
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [35-40] Queen of the Clefthoof.


Collect the Horn of Banthar from Banthar.


Ogka told me that they have Banthar here! Or rather, that she's still alive back now. Did what I just said make any sense?

This is our chance, commander. We can defeat a younger, more powerful version of Banthar and really stick it to these frostwolves.

We'll show Ogka how a true professional works.


You will receive:


Banthar's horn. Hemet would be green with envy to have another shot at such a powerful beast.


Magnificent kill, commander. You've done us all proud.

Patch changes

External links