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Pummeller Red

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MobPummeller Red
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Title <Venture Co.>
Race Crowd pummeler (Mechanical)
Level 10-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Venture Company
Location Fleeting Forest, Mechagon Island
Status Destroyable

Pummeller Red is a crowd pummeler located in the Fleeting Forest on Mechagon Island.


  • Ability vehicle siegeenginecannon.png Charged Shot — Fires a blast of Azerite energy at the caster's current threat target, inflicting 32 Physical damage.
  • Inv misc bomb 02.png Deploy Crawler Mine — Deploys a crawler mine which burrows into the ground near a player. When a burrowed mine is triggered by a player, it will fixate on that player until the mine comes within 4 yards of a player. When it does, it will detonate, inflicting 80 Fire damage instantly and 8 Fire damage over 2 sec for 6 sec to all players within 5 yards.

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