Proving Grounds (Pandaria) (Alliance)

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AllianceProving Grounds
Start Taijing the Cyclone
End Trial Master Rotun
Level 35 (Requires 35)
Category Proving Grounds
Experience 1,370
Rewards 1g 14s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35] Proving Grounds.

Proving Grounds introduces the player to the Proving Grounds, a special solo scenario challenge that allows players to both learn and demonstrate the core skills associated with a given role or class.


Speak with Trial Master Rotun at the Temple of the White Tiger, then enter the Proving Grounds.

  • Speak with Trial Master Rotun to enter Proving Grounds


You there! It's <name>, right? Greetings. I'm Taijing.

<Taijing sizes you up.>

You look strong. I've seen you a few times here in the Vale, but I've never seen you fight before. I wonder... are you as strong as you seem?

If you're interested in proving yourself, speak with Trial Master Rotun at the Temple of the White Tiger, in Kun-Lai. He will put you to the test.


You will receive: 1g 14s


Are you ready to begin the trials?

Gossip Enter the Proving Grounds


Welcome to the Proving Grounds, <class>. I am Trial Master Rotun.

Here, you may test your skill at performing several different combat roles: dealing damage, absorbing damage, and healing. I shall administer and judge these trials.

<Rotun smiles.>

Are you ready to begin?



There are comprehensive guides on Wowhead on how to prepare for the challenges and what you can expect.

Patch changes

External links