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Prospector Doren

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NeutralProspector Doren
Image of Prospector Doren
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 80 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Prospector
Location Archivum, Ulduar

Prospector Doren is a quest giver found in the Archivum of Normal mode Ulduar.

His Heroic mode equivalent is Prospector Loren.


He is involved in the following quests:

  1. N [30R] Archivum Data Disc
  2. N [30R] The Celestial Planetarium
  3. Complete all of the following:
  4. N [30R] Algalon
  5. N [30R] All Is Well That Ends Well



It's a real honor to be able to aid Brann in exploring ancient Ulduar.

Patch changes

External links