Preface the Pitch

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HordePreface the Pitch
Start Maaz
End Razgaji
Level 110 - 120 (Requires 110)
Category Vol'dun
Experience 12,340
Rewards 17g 30s


Let Razgaji know what Maaz is up to.


This place once held much respect. Until the betrayal, the Keepers were Vol'dun's greatest hope. They were going to prevent the horrors of the past from happening again. Now we have to hope that the cruel do not inherit the earth. Head back to Razgaji, in the arena to the west. Let him know we may have some items of interest to him... or those he deals with. It wouldn't be horrible if you mentioned the trouble we went through to get everything.


You will receive:

  • 17g 30s
  • 12,340 XP

Patch changes

External links