Practice Lock

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Practice Lock was a poor type of lockbox usually made by Engineers that could be used to practice Lockpicking. This was a slow and potentially expensive way to increase your Lockpicking skill.


  • The Practice Lock can only be used once. After that, it is opened and completely worthless. Many players practiced with renewable lockboxes off the Neutral Merchant Coast near Ratchet, Horde Amani Catacombs in Ghostlands or Alliance Alther's Mill in Redridge Mountains.
  • On September 2, 2007, Blizzard patched-in support for the auction house telling potential buyers whether practice locks have been opened or not. Previous to this, unscrupulous players could auction their used practice locks to be bought by unsuspecting players.
  • The Practice Lock is the only item categorized as "Junk" in the Engineering profession-window.
  • Interestingly enough, Practice Locks do have a practical use. They have a skillup-potential of 100 115 122 130, which means making them can be used to level Engineering.


This item was created with Engineering (100); taught by trainers.

Materials required:
Inv ingot bronze.png 1x [Bronze Bar] Inv misc gear 06.png 2x [Handful of Copper Bolts]
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02.png 1x [Weak Flux]

Patch changes

External links