Powering the Defenses (Horde)

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HordePowering the Defenses
Start Mehlar Dawnblade
End Soulbinder Tuulani
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 8200
Rewards 6g 90s
Next N [20-40] We Must Construct Additional Pylons
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [20-40] Powering the Defenses.


Find Soulbinder Tuulani in the Tomb of Lights.


It's good to see a Horde champion joining the fight.

Auchindoun's defenses are faltering quickly. The few Auchenai soulpriests not on the front are working fervently to maintain them.

Soulbinder Tuulani went inside the nearby Tomb of Lights to retrieve a backup power pylon and hasn't returned. If you can find her and get her and the pylon back here safely it would help greatly.


You will receive: 6g 90s


On approach

Soulbinder Tuulani yells: Hold your ground. We have to protect the wounded!


You look like you can fight. We need to get out of here!


  • 8200 XP

Patch changes

External links