Pop Quiz

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Abandoned Veilstaff

Pop Quiz is a Korthian vignette which starts at several locations in Korthia. An objective of  [Conquering Korthia], interact with the Abandoned Veilstaff and Ve'rayn pops out:

Ve'rayn says: Stay back! I have-- Oh, hello again, Maw Walker...

Defeat her for ~10-12x  [Relic Fragment], ~13-18 uncommon-quality anima items (65-90 anima), and  [Ve'rayn's Head], which starts N [60] Ve'rayn's Head.

Find the staff in an out-of-the-way spot at one of the following:

Gossip tree

Ve'rayn in combat

Speak with her to start her pop quiz:

Page 1
I am pleased to encounter you here, Maw Walker.
I have several follow-up questions from our previous survey that I wish to ask you.
If you answer all of the questions, you will of course be compensated.
  • Gossip Very well. I will answer your questions. (to Page 2)
  • Gossip I do not have time to answer your questions, Ve'rayn.
Ve'nari says: I see. That is unfortunate. Return to me when you have time. (gossip tree ends. Speak with her to try again)
Page 2 ("I will answer")
I appreciate your willingness to provide us with your knowledge of Korthia.
Question one:
Do you find it challenging to survive amidst the unexpected and unknowable secrets of these strange lands?
  • Gossip I am struggling to survive.
  • Gossip Everything is easy for me. I am incredibly powerful.
  • Gossip I enjoy the challenge.
  • Gossip The Night Fae can weather any storm together.
  • Gossip The venthyr have already overcome greater obstacles than this.
  • Gossip My minions deal with any challenges that arise. I'm just here to collect loot.
Page 3 (any answer)
Noted. Question two:
What do you believe to be the Jailer's intentions in these lands?
  • Gossip The same thing everyone wants. Power.
  • Gossip Who can understand the ways of the Eternal Ones?
  • Gossip Lost knowledge and secrets, no doubt.
  • Gossip I don't understand what's happening, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.
Page 4 (any answer)
Now, more importantly... How did you find me again?
  • Gossip I just poked this staff thing and you appeared.
  • Gossip I followed a magical star to your location.
  • Gossip I outwitted you, like I have at every turn, Ve'rayn!
  • Gossip Again? I don't even remember our first meeting.
Page 5 (poked staff)
Reliant on luck... Interesting
<Ve'rayn puts away her notes.>
Now, where can I find Ve'nari? She sent word requesting a powerful artifact, and I have painstakingly acquired it for her.
  • Gossip You seem like a friend of hers. I'll mark the location of her hideout on your map. (to mark on map)
  • Gossip I do not know who this Ve'nari is that you've asked about. (to page 6)
Page 5 (magical star)
Deceit or possibly madness... Interesting.
Now, where can I find Ve'nari? She sent word requesting a powerful artifact, and I have painstakingly acquired it for her.
<Ve'rayn puts away her notes.>
  • Gossip You seem like a friend of hers. I'll mark the location of her hideout on your map. (to mark on map)
  • Gossip I do not know who this Ve'nari is that you've asked about. (to page 6)
Page 5 (outwitted)
Delusional... Interesting.
<Ve'rayn puts away her notes.>
Now, where can I find Ve'nari? She sent word requesting a powerful artifact, and I have painstakingly acquired it for her.
  • Gossip You seem like a friend of hers. I'll mark the location of her hideout on your map. (to mark on map)
  • Gossip I do not know who this Ve'nari is that you've asked about. (to page 6)
Page 5 (forgetful)
Forgetful... Interesting.
<Ve'rayn puts away her notes.>
Now, where can I find Ve'nari? She sent word requesting a powerful artifact, and I have painstakingly acquired it for her.
  • Gossip You seem like a friend of hers. I'll mark the location of her hideout on your map. (to mark on map)
  • Gossip I do not know who this Ve'nari is that you've asked about. (to page 6)
Mark on map
Ve'rayn says: You betray Ve'nari so quickly... You made this too easy, Maw Walker! (Ve'rayn attacks!)
Page 6 (do not know)
<Ve'rayn speaks curtly and her voice grows louder.>
I will tolerate your deception no longer, Maw Walker.
Answer my question.
Where. Is. Ve'nari?
  • Gossip I am done answering your questions. I do not trust you.
    Ve'rayn says: I see now that I will never convince you to betray Ve'nari... I am forced to take the information from your corpse. (Ve'rayn attacks!)
  • Gossip Fine. Yes, Ve'nari is hiding in the Maw. Her hideout is just east of Cocyrus.
    Ve'rayn says: Thank you, Maw Walker. However, I must ensure you do not warn Ve'nari. You understand. (Ve'rayn attacks)

Tracking quest

To check whether Ve'rayn was killed today, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64457))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, Ve'rayn was killed today; "false" indicates the opposite.

Patch changes