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For the TCG card, see Plunder.
The subject of this article or section is part of Plunderstorm, a limited-time event that lasts for several weeks. Once the event has run its course, it will no longer be available until the next planned event, but there are no guarantees.
Ui plundercoins.png
  • Plunder
  • Warband Currency
  • Total Maximum: 15,000
A pile of Plunder

Plunder is a currency that can be gathered during Plunderstorm matches, then spent in the Plunderstore for a variety of cosmetic rewards.

During the first Plunderstorm in 2024, Plunder was used as a gauge of Renown with Keg Leg's Crew and was not a spendable currency. Each piece of plunder was worth one point of reputation with Keg Leg's Crew, with each Renown level requiring 2,500 Plunder. A total of 100,000 Plunder was required to reach Renown level 40.


Plunder appears on the ground as piles of gold coins, which can be walked over to collect them. Plunder piles...

  • Spawn around the map at the start of every Plunderstorm match.
  • Drop when a mob or player is slain. Higher-level players drop more Plunder. (Note that no Plunder is actually lost on death; the dropped Plunder is created by the game.)
  • Drop from Golden Chests. Larger, more ornate chests drop more Plunder.
  • Are left behind by some of the Pieces of Hate's abilities.

N [1WQ] Learn the Ropes or Walk the Plank is a one-time quest that rewards 1,000 Plunder.

N [1WQ] Daily Doubloons rewards 800 Plunder once a day. It requires completing a Captain's Orders quest.

A Captain's Orders quest, worth 250 Plunder, is given at the start of each match. Uncompleted Captain's Orders do not carry over into the next match.

Currency for

Category Item Cost Added in
Pets  [Happy] 250 10.2.6
 [Bubbles] 500 10.2.6
 [Glamrok] 1,000 10.2.6
 [Sparklesnap] 2,000 11.0.7
 [Parley] 2,000 11.0.7
Mounts  [Silver Tidestallion] 1,500 10.2.6
 [Royal Seafeather] 5,000 10.2.6
 [Polly Roger] 5,000 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Midnight Crocolisk] 5,000 11.0.7
 [Hooktalon] 5,000 11.0.7
Toys  [A Tiny Plumed Tricorne] 500 10.2.6
 [Swarthy Warning Sign] 500 10.2.6
Other [Plundered Bag of Tender][note 1] 1,000 10.2.6
[Plundered Chest of Tender][note 1] 2,000 10.2.6
Weapons  [Deadly Dagger] 250 10.2.6
 [Blacksteel Saber] 250 10.2.6
 [Bloody Iron Cleaver] 250 10.2.6
 [Calcified Claymore] 250 10.2.6
 [Swabbie's Shovel] 1,000 11.0.7
 [Swabbie's Oar] 1,000 11.0.7
 [Plunderlord's Neck-Severer] 1,000 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Fine Rapier] 1,000 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Silver Cutlass] 1,000 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Gilded Sigil] 1,000 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Stormridden Neck-Severer] 1,500 11.0.7
 [Plunderlord's Stormridden Rapier] 1,500 11.0.7
 [Plunderlord's Stormridden Cutlass] 1,500 11.0.7
 [Plunderlord's Stormridden Sigil] 1,500 11.0.7
Guns  [Copper Cannon] 250 10.2.6
 [Marvelous Multi-Shot] 500 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Hand Cannon] 1,000 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Stormridden Hand Cannon] 1,500 11.0.7
Swabbie  [Spun Cotton Shirt] 250 10.2.6
 [Quilted Breeches] 250 10.2.6
 [Swabbie's Gloves] 250 10.2.6
 [Surefooted Boots] 250 10.2.6
Snazzy  [Fine Crimson Doublet] 250 10.2.6
 [Handwoven Trousers] 250 10.2.6
 [Swindler's Cutouts] 250 10.2.6
 [Silent Leathers] 250 10.2.6
Strapping  [Plunderlord's Tricorne of Admiralty] 250 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Tassled Spaulders] 250 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Waistcoat] 250 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Fancy Trousers] 250 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Pilferers] 250 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Golden Cinch] 250 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Cuffs] 250 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Muckscrapers] 250 10.2.6
Stormridden  [Plunderlord's Stormridden Tricorne] 1,00 11.0.7
 [Plunderlord's Stormridden Spaulders] 1,000 11.0.7
 [Plunderlord's Stormridden Waistcoat] 1,000 11.0.7
 [Plunderlord's Stormridden Trousers] 500 11.0.7
 [Plunderlord's Stormridden Pilferers] 250 11.0.7
 [Plunderlord's Stormridden Cinch] 250 11.0.7
 [Plunderlord's Stormridden Cuffs] 250 11.0.7
 [Plunderlord's Stormridden Muckscrapers] 250 11.0.7
Head  [Warm Woolen Cap] 250 10.2.6
 [Storm Captain's Hat] 250 10.2.6
 [First Mate's Dashing Cap] 1,000 11.0.7
 [First Mate's Dashing Headgear] 1,000 11.0.7
 [Plunderlord's Old Eye Patch] 2,000 11.0.7
 [Plunderlord's Old Hat] 2,000 11.0.7
 [Plunderlord's Monocle] 500 10.2.6
Tabard  [Plunderlord's Tabard] 5,000 10.2.6
Back  [Weatherproven Drape] 250 10.2.6
 [Skulker's Cloak] 250 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Drapery] 500 10.2.6
 [Plunderlord's Stormridden Drapery] 1,000 11.0.7
  1. ^ a b Once per account. Not purchasable if obtained in the previous Plunderstorm.


  1.  [Lub and Plunder] - collect 2,500 [Plunder]
  2.  [Swabbie Swag] - 10,000
  3.  [Decked Out] - 25,000
  4.  [Buckled Up] - 50,000
  5.  [Plunder Siege] - 100,000
  6.  [Lord of the Bling] - 150,000
  7.  [It's a Plunderful Life] - 250,000
  8.  [Plunderkind] - 1,000,000

Tracking macro

On retail realms, the command below will display current progress toward  [Plunderkind]:

/run local c,_,_,_,a,b=BreakUpLargeNumbers,GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(20509,1) print(GetAchievementLink(20509),c(a),"of",c(b),C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyLink(3139))

Patch changes

External links

11.0 10.2 Overall 10.2 Per-match