- Plate Specialization
- Level 50 death knight ability
- Passive
- Increases your primary attribute by 5% while wearing Plate in all armor slots. Blood specialization grants Stamina, Frost specialization grants Strength, and Unholy specialization grants Strength.
Properties |
Class |
Death Knight |
Other information |
Level learned |
50 |
Plate Specialization is a passive ability gained by death knights at level 50.
This passive grant a bonus to the death knight's primary attribute, determined by specialization: Blood death knights gain a +5% bonus to stamina, while Frost and Unholy death knights gain a +5% bonus to strength - provided they wear Plate in all armor slots.
Plate Specialization is an armor specialization, added to encourage death knights to use plate gear at end-game rather than mail, leather or cloth.
Patch changes
External links