Pit of Clown Fiestas

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This is a silly article.
The content of this article is not part of official Warcraft lore, but has nevertheless become part of the World of Warcraft culture or community.

After the launch of Battle for Azeroth's patch 8.0.1, the Pit of Saron experienced a large amount of bugs, documented in the list below. Most notably, the slave NPCs could use the appearance, quotes or flavor text from other, unrelated NPCs, and bosses from other instances could spawn inside the Pit. The issues were fixed with the July 24th hotfix.


  • Alliance Slaves would rarely turn into Balnazzars, complete with aggro and death quotes. They could be killed and would drop loot from his actual loot table but curiously retained their slave IDs. The Balnazzars had their usual spells and would occasionally stun all players present in the instance. This increased in frequency, as the number of nathrezim grew.
  • Alliance Slaves would have the gossip lines of Magister Duskwither.
  • Alliance Slaves would yell various boss quotes from Blackwing Lair.
  • Alliance Slaves would wield weapons from NPCs whose lines they are speaking.
  • Alliance Slaves could appear as tigons (using their DisplayID).
  • Alliance Slaves would sometimes do empty yells and says.
  • Damaged Necrotic Shards could spawn in place of slaves.
  • Spectral Death Knights and Spectral Trainees could spawn as the minions of Horde Slaves.
  • Running in and down the ramp, could cause every mob reachable before the first two bosses to aggro.
  • When freed, slaves might switch between running back and forth and idling about.
  • Some slaves would simply despawn randomly, leaving behind their ball and chains. Clicking the balls would then free a random nearby slave instead.
  • Slaves would sometimes be replaced by Unrelenting Trainees.
  • Horde Slaves could have Bile Sludges as their minions.
  • Alliance slaves would sometimes perform a teleportation animation only to continue working.
  • Alliance slaves would sometimes become unfriendly towards Alliance players.
  • Alliance slaves would sometimes have empty lines in Orcish.

Slave quotes and emotes

  • Alliance Slave says: Good riddance... Now none shall be able to repeat my mistakes! This quote by Magister Duskwither was said randomly over and over.
  • Alliance Slave is resurrected by a nearby ally! displaying randomly over and over.
  • Alliance Slave Dies. displaying randomly over and over. Many slaves would be lying down motionless but with full hp. Clicking the ball would do nothing.
  • Alliance Slave yells: I've gone easy on you thus far, but now you bore me. Witness the magnificence of my power, and despair! The slaves would perform a casting animation and yell this quote from Lord Valthalak while wielding  [Lord Valthalak's Staff of Command]. They kept at their mining business despite their change of tool.
  • Alliance Slave says: <Yawn> Is it dawn already? Ah, well, all good things... as they say. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going inside. This quote would at times be uttered by the slaves, after which they would despawn.
  • Alliance Slave begins to make a copy of itself! displayed randomly.
  • Alliance Slave yells: In life, I focused my energies on healing others. Let us see in death how much pain I can cause! This quote by Isalien was yelled randomly.
  • Alliance Slave says: Ah, excellent! Let the festivities begin. Let us retire to the terrace. Now, where did I put my drink? Said randomly.
  • Alliance Slave says: What? Oh, not this again! The slave would stop working, turn around, say the quote by Apprentice Ralen, turn back and continue working.
  • Alliance Slave will be armed in 3 seconds! Displaying randomly. They would do /roar emotes while arming and display the following line
  • Alliance Slave is now armed! They would not actually explode, and would return to normal soon after.
  • Alliance Slave yells: All of Nature's might is at my disposal, puny mortals. Let us see which of my many forms it will be that ends your suffering! This quote by Mor Grayhoof was yelled randomly.
  • Alliance Slave goes into a frenzy! Slaves might randomly frenzy, increasing damage by 500% but only for a few seconds.
  • Alliance Slave says: Oh goody! The party's about to start! Displayed randomly.
  • Alliance Slave yells: Muahahahaha! What is this pathetic spectacle I see before me? Well, what are you waiting for? I hunger, and you look as if you may make for a passable appetizer! This quote by Lord Valthalak was yelled randomly.

The following lines are Jarien's lines from her and her brother's encounter. The three lines could be yelled in succession by Horde Slaves.

  • Horde Slave yells: Hello, brother.
  • Horde Slave yells: Would-be interlopers, I'm afraid.
  • Horde Slave yells: Yes, we shall!

At times, the slaves would cite various parts of the dialogue originally spoken by members of the paladin orders at Light's Hope Chapel. The quotes below are not necessarily listed in their original order.

  • Alliance Slave says: Whatever. The revolting, unkempt Horde filth... Originally by Scarlet Commander Marjhan.
  • Alliance Slave says: So why are you here? What are we to do if there is no hope? originally by Eligor Dawnbringer.
  • Alliance Slave says: Your leader takes residence at the doorstep to Naxxramas. Do you think he does not feel the pressure? originally by Eligor Dawnbringer.
  • Alliance Slave lowers the sound of his voice to a whisper. originally by Eligor Dawnbringer.
  • Alliance Slave says: Even demons are capable of fear... originally by Eligor Dawnbringer.
  • Alliance Slave says: Whatever. The revolting, unkempt Horde filth... originally by Scarlet Commander Marjhan.
  • Alliance Slave says: Your message did reach us, Commander, but by no means is our involvement here sanctioned by the Grand Crusader. originally by Scarlet Commander Marjhan.
  • Horde Slave says: There is always... Ashbringer. originally by Scarlet Commander Marjhan.
  • Horde Slave says: The Ashbringer is dead and there will never be another like him. The lesser Mograine is a far cry from the man his father was. You know this, Commander! It was, after all, your own leadership that was responsible for the death of the Scarlet Highlord Mograine. originally by Eligor Dawnbringer.
  • Horde Slave says: So this is what you have come for? To try and claim that which is the reason for the Dawn's existence and the Crusade's downfall? You open old wounds with your words, Commander!. originally by Eligor Dawnbringer
