Pink Elekks On Parade (Horde)

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The subject of this article or section is part of Brewfest, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
HordePink Elekks On Parade
Start Glodrak Huntsniper
End Glodrak Huntsniper
Level 1-80 (Requires 1)
Category Brewfest
Rewards  [Brewfest Prize Ticket] x40
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [1-80] Pink Elekks On Parade.
Pink Elekk in Undercity.


Visit the beer gardens outside of Silvermoon, Thunder Bluff, and the Undercity, zap three elekks at each location, and return to Glodrak Huntsniper. You must be drunk to see the pink elekks.


Look. We're running a business here. People being drunk? It's good business. But I'll tell ya one thing that puts a cramp in the profits - hallucinations. Wouldn't ya know it, the boys are reporting that the sot- er, the loyal customers are seeing pink elekks everywhere.

I don't need my customers unsettled. Look, take this ray and travel to the other beer gardens to take care of 'em for me, would ya? And be sure to get drunk!


Ya clear up that little problem we talked about?


Ya did good, kid. Here, take this as payment for the job ya did.



You have to drink alcoholic beverages until you get the message "You are drunk", and then drink once more. The pesky pink elekks can then be seen are all over the area around the brewfest, and some area beyond as well. (You can see the pink elekks once you become drunk, but without the extra drink you may become sober again before you have time to zap three of them.)

Even though the quest giver appears in a "classic" zone, it requires players to visit Burning Crusade zones. Therefore, players whose accounts are not upgraded with the first expansion set are unable to even pick up this quest.

Also see the Wikipedia entry on seeing pink elephants.

External links