Passive ability
A passive ability is an ability that is always active and doesn't require user interaction to use. Usually, they are not shown in your spellbook or tooltips, but some are. Many talents and racial traits are passive abilities. They are sometimes known as an innate ability. Passive abilities on items or mobs are sometimes called powers.
Item attributes
- Main article: Attributes
Both equipment and buffs increase a character's power passively, like "+5 Strength" or a unique ability, like [Ironfoe]'s.
- Many talents add passive abilities like the [Safe Fall] rogue ability.
Profession passives
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- Alchemists have [Mixology] (any potion an alchemist can create has double duration and extra strength).
Professions at one point would be granted combat bonuses based on their profession as well. Miners had [Toughness] and Skinners had [Master of Anatomy], for example.
Class passives
When a character chooses a class specialization, they automatically get related passive abilities.
- Paladins, Warriors, Hunters, and Rogues get Parry at various levels; Death knights start with it.
- Paladins, Warriors, Shamans get Block (must have a shield equipped).
Racial passives
- Main article: Racial trait
- Everyone gets Dodge (Gives a chance to dodge enemy melee attacks).