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Title <Imprisoned Corsair>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 113 - 122 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Former affiliation(s) Cutwater Corsairs
Occupation Pirate
Location Freehold

Otis is a human located in Freehold.


  • Inv helmet 66.png Cutwater Regalia — Donning the regalia of a Cutwater Corsair immediately ingratiates you with their crew.


  • A pleasure doin' business with ya. Now if ya don't mind, I'll take my leave before my absence is noticed.
  • Ahoy! You lot got the look o' proper cutthroats. Not like the usual scum that passes for pirates 'round here.
  • As promised, here's some official Cutwater Corsair regalia. Now you'll look like respectable criminals.
  • But first, I got a problem. This here lock ain't cooperatin' with my attempts to pick it. That mangy dog's got the key, but he's a slippery one.
  • If you're itchin' to make some mayhem, you'll need a meeting with the Council of Captains. I can help with that.
  • So... you scratch my back, I return the favor. Got me?
  • Ya did it! I knew my pooch would help out. Man's best friend, that one.

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