Ornate Mithril Pants

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Human male wearing the Ornate Mithril Armor Set

Ornate Mithril Pants are plate legguards that provides a bonus to strength and dodge chance. These pants were originally created by the Mithril Order and can be made by Blacksmiths that are training to be Armorsmiths.


This item is crafted by Blacksmithing (220); taught once by  [Plans: Ornate Mithril Pants] .

Materials required:
Inv ingot 06.png 12x [Mithril Bar] Inv ingot 08.png 1x [Truesilver Bar]
Inv stone grindingstone 04.png 1x [Solid Grinding Stone]

As a quest objective

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.1.

External links