Oozing with Opportunity

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KyrianOozing with Opportunity
Start Mad Mortimer
End Dactylis
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Path of Ascension
Experience 8,150
Rewards Achievement dungeon thenecroticwake stitchflesh.png Trial: Mad Mortimer
6g 17s 50c
Previous N [60] Field Trip


Aid Mad Mortimer in his experiment, then capture his memory using the Soul Mirror.


They called me mad! As a matter of fact, they still do!

Ah, but none of them have the mental acuity of Doctor James Mortimus of the very much in-tact House of Plagues, nor his handsome smile! Fools!

With the catalyst you have so kindly provided, dear...whatever you are...certainly not a kyrian...

I digress!

We shall get to whatever it is you wanted in a moment, for now is the time of SCIENCE! Come, come, let me show you the wondrous fruits of my labors!


You will learn: Achievement dungeon thenecroticwake stitchflesh.png Trial: Mad Mortimer

You will receive:

  • 6g 17s 50c
  • 8,150 XP


What are we doing not doing science right now?!


It appears you were successful. Well done, as always.


On accept
Mad Mortimer says: I shall meet you at my other lab by the ooze below!
Mortimer vanishes.
Speaking with Mortimer
They called me mad! As a matter of fact, they still do!
That all changes today!
Gossip Show me your new serum.
Mad Mortimer says: Behold, the miracle of eons of alchemical research and discarded interns!
Mad Mortimer says: Just a dash of bone powder... a splash of ooze...
Mad Mortimer says: Ooh, perhaps three splashes--let's live a little!
Mad Mortimer says: And last, but certainly not least, the catalyst you provided! Stir with a tiny whisk and...
The cauldron explodes, splashing on Mortimer. He retches and transforms into a yellow slime giant.
Mad Mortimer says: Nooooooooo!!!
Mad Mortimer says: Ok, this looks bad. I'll give you that.
Mad Mortimer says: What... is... happening...?
Mort and Bitter Undulates appear from him.
After killing the undulates
Mad Mortimer says: I can feel myself slipping away!
Ortim and Smoldering Creepers appear from him.
After killing the creepers
Mad Mortimer says: Help meeeeeee...!
''Mad Mortimer shrinks, and Imer, Acrid Runoffs, and Virulent Globule appear.
After killing the hostile oozes
Mad Mortimer disappears completely.
Ortim says: I'm--we're--all me? We're all me!
Imer says: No time like the present, <name>. Use that mirror of yours and let's get this over with!
Memory extracted
Mort says: Splendid! Not at all what either of us expected, but that's science for you!
Ortim says: Best of luck with your arena or whatever it is you were going on about.
Imer says: I'm off to my new life! Lives? Let's go with life for now, shall we? Anyways, farewell!
Mort, Ortim, and Imer jump into the pool below.


  1. N [60] Mad Mortimer
  2. N [60] Field Trip
  3. N [60] Oozing with Opportunity

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